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Investigation & Law Enforcement Development Specialists

Asia Pacific

Who We Are

International Justice Mission (IJM) is the global leader in protecting vulnerable people from violence around the world. Our team of over 1,200 professionals are at work worldwide in over 30 offices. Together we are on a mission to rescue millions, protect half a billion, and make justice unstoppable.

In Southeast Asia, IJM implements a forced labor program in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and soon in the Philippines. Our aim is to strengthen the public justice system’s response to consistently enforce the law to protect both local and migrant workers within a jurisdiction.

The Need

For over 25 years, IJM has pioneered the work to protect vulnerable people from violence. 9 out of 9 times in the last decade, IJM’s Justice System Strengthening Projects have reduced slavery and violence between 50% and 85% for very large populations of people in poverty. As we grow to expand our impact to protect 500 million people from violence, we recognize that an effective response to forced labor and labor trafficking is multi-faceted and multi-dimensional as the crime continues to evolve. Strengthening the capacity of frontline law enforcement, including specialized anti-trafficking units, immigration, labor inspectors, and other related agencies, requires tapping on expertise within and outside law enforcement. The infusion of expertise from within the APAC region is envisioned to support the transfer of best practices applicable in the host country’s context and foster cross-border cooperation and collaboration.

This is an open call for professionals whose experience and expertise contribute to a stronger and more effective law enforcement response against forced labor and labor trafficking. Selected professionals will form a pool of experts called the Forced Labor Investigation and Law Enforcement Development Specialists Group. Program offices’ capacity building needs will then be matched against experts in the Group.

The Opportunity

In the event of a suitable match, one can participate in capacity building engagements with our Program offices like mentoring, curriculum development, needs assessment and training. These activities may be online, in person, or hybrid. Deployments to Program offices may range from a few days to one month. Such an engagement is as an unpaid volunteer or a paid consultant on a one-off or short-term basis.


  • More than 5 years of work experience in human trafficking investigations, financial investigations, community policing, curriculum development, OSINT, digital case management systems, intelligence development, international police cooperation, and other related fields.
  • Selected specialists are required to abide by IJM policies and ensure there is no potential violation of any conflict of interest or non-compete clause with your existing employer/s or client/s.

Application Process:

If you are interested to be a part of our Forced Labor Investigation and Law Enforcement Development Specialists Group, please complete this form at

If you have any further queries, please contact

Kindly note that expressions of interest will be reviewed periodically. If we have a suitable opportunity, we will contact you for further discussion.

IJM holds strict safeguarding principles and a zero tolerance to violations of the Safeguarding Policy, Protection against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy, and Code of Ethics. Candidate selection is based on technical competence, recruitment, selection and hiring criteria subject to assessing the candidates value congruence and thorough background, police clearance, and reference check processes. IJM requires a background check at the minimum before confirmation of any engagement.

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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