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Your Donation: $ + $0.46 fees

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Your Donation: $ + $0.46 fees

You are giving a one-time gift.

Give with confidence BBB Accredited Charity and Guidestar Platinum Participant

Give a Monthly Gift and receive the limited-edition Paul Baloche Live CD/DVD

As a special thank you for becoming a Freedom Partner, we want to give you Paul Baloche’s limited-edition CD/DVD combo Paul Baloche Live, recorded live in Canada. Simply find IJM’s table at the concert and show us your confirmation screen to receive your gift.

The value of the item you received as a premium is $20 and will be deducted from your tax receipt if you are unable to complete a full year of monthly Freedom Partner gifts.

Paul Baloche Live

The Power of your monthly Gift

From last-minute rescues to lasting restoration, Freedom Partners help us do it all.