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10 Boys Rescued from Slavery on Ghana's Lake Volta
ACCRA, GHANA – Ten boys who grew up as slaves on Ghana’s Lake Volta are now free. On Friday, March 20, IJM embarked on our first-ever rescue...
Bangalore Brick Kiln Owners are Beginning to Feel the Heat
It was a typical day’s work for Chandan as he drove customers around his village in the state of Odisha in his cycle rickshaw, dropping them at their...
St. Patrick's Day: A View on Suffering & Slavery
By Guest Blogger John Richmond, Former IJM India Director
IJM Commends Introduction of Landmark Anti-Slavery Bill in Senate
A bipartisan group of Senators, led by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-TN), introduced legislation today that would marshal...
25 Freed From Brick Factory Near Bangalore
Twenty-five people are now free thanks to an IJM-assisted operation on February 18. Held in forced labor slavery in a brick factory near Bangalore,...
333 People in Slavery Rescued in Second Largest Operation in IJM History
More than three hundred people are waking up today in freedom. This time last week they were up before sunrise making bricks that would be sold for...
A Desperate Father Escapes and a Path to Freedom Appears
When a desperate father escaped from a rice mill a few weeks ago, his first priority was to get medical help for his 2-year-old son with a heart...
Rose Farm Rescues Reveal Darker Side to Valentine's Day
This Valentine's Day, as millions purchase roses to give to loved ones, International Justice Mission is reminding buyers that there is a darker side...
Seahawks' Russell Okung: The Fight Against Modern Day Slavery is Ours to Win
As the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots prepare to go head-to-head in Super Bowl XLIX, Seahawks offensive tackle Russell Okung has more than...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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