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IJM Bolivia signs Memorandum of Understanding with Bolivian Ministry of Justice
BOLIVIA – On June 30th, following five years of collaboration with its partners, IJM Bolivia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the...
IJM Bolivia Celebrates 13 convictions in Three Months
IJM-trained volunteers in Bolivia helped bring 13 criminal convictions in the first quarter of 2023. These rulings bring justice for 12 women and...
IJM Bolivia Secures its 150th Conviction
On June 17, a Bolivian court sentenced a sexual aggressor to 25 years in prison after declaring him guilty for raping two young girls, who were just...
Military Mechanic Gets 25 Years for Rape of Minor in Bolivia
On March 29, a former military sergeant who used his position of influence and economic power to sexually abuse and rape his stepdaughter for years...
One of IJM's Longest-Running Cases Ends in Justice for Two Girls
Nearly eight years after sisters Helen* and Emilia* were sexually abused by a neighbor, their cause was looking hopeless. The perpetrator had fled,...
Five Convicted in Six Days for Sexually Assaulting Children
Katty* couldn’t afford a lawyer and almost dropped her case against the man who raped her as a teen.
IJM Bolivia Cases Progress at ‘Rapid Pace’ Following New Law
Thanks to a new law, IJM Bolivia has seen “miraculous” developments in the past eight months, according to Greg Tarrant, IJM Bolivia field office...
Strong Sentencing for Bolivian Uncle Indicates Crackdown on Family Abuse
After two years of relentless effort by the IJM team, a Bolivian man has been sentenced to 22.5 years for abusing his 7-year-old niece. Throughout...
IJM Interns/Fellows: Top Ten Moments From 2014
IJM teams around the world are celebrating the end of a very big year. To recap, we asked some of our interns and fellows to share ten moments...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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