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Three Guilty for Holding Slaves in an Indian Rock Quarry
One south Indian court sent a powerful message to modern-day slave owners this week, as a judge convicted three men for enslaving families at a...
Beaten and Betrayed: 14 Men Freed from an Abusive Ginger Farm
Local police have arrested one alleged slave owner and are searching for two others after a dramatic rescue operation that brought 14 terrified men...
Disaster Response: Human Trafficking and the Kerala Floods
Historic monsoon rains and flooding have left hundreds dead and millions displaced in the southern Indian state of Kerala in the last two months.
Kolkata Police and IJM Stop a Powerful Trafficking Kingpin
Last week, IJM helped Kolkata’s anti-trafficking police rescue two sex trafficking victims and arrest five criminals, including a notorious...
Two Men Convicted in Cross-Border Sex Trafficking Case
Five years after their rescue, two teen girls from Bangladesh can rest easier knowing the law is on their side.
Six Families Trapped in a Chicken Farm are Finally Freed
“Wherever you go, I’ll come there and bring you back.”
Parents and Nine Children Rescued from Slavery at a Farm
BANGALORE, INDIA – Two tiny children got their first taste of freedom this week, as IJM and local law enforcement rescued their family of 11 from...
Desperate Mother and Children Reunited During 3 Back-to-Back Rescues
We were reminded once again of the cruelty of modern-day slavery this weekend—as IJM and local officials helped reunite a terrified mother and with...
30 Years. Three Generations. One Powerful Rescue.
Kuppan* was struggling to help his impoverished family until a farm owner offered him a loan of 1,000 rupees in exchange for his labor. Just 15 years...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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