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IJM Partner Helps Rescue 40 People from Bondage at a Road Construction Site
IJM’s casework partner Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) supported the local government in rescuing 40 people—including 11 children—who...
Sustained Restoration: Kasthuri, Venkatesh and Shakthivel Thriving in Freedom
As we combat violence around the world, IJM’s global aftercare teams are committed to helping survivors overcome their trauma and begin flourishing...
IJM Partner Provides Frontline COVID-19 Relief in Devastating Second Wave
As India manages its recent COVID-19 surge, IJM’s compassionate front-line partners are providing critical relief to impoverished children and...
IJM Staff Teach Innovative Human Trafficking Course for Law Students
In May 2021, IJM Mumbai completed its first full run of an innovative, five-month elective program for students at a prestigious local law school....
Indian States Mark ‘Bonded Labor Abolition Day’ on Law’s Anniversary
On February 9, several Indian states took remarkable steps to combat modern slavery, as they commemorated the anniversary of the country’s original...
Trafficker Caught on Camera Selling Families into Bondage
A stunning case of labor trafficking in Odisha has revealed the greed of middlemen who exploit the poor and traffic them into forced labor. Millions...
12 Children Rescued from Roadside Restaurants
A 7-year-old boy was among 12 children rescued by local authorities and NGO staff over the weekend, after spending months in bonded labor at a...
First Operation of 2021 Frees 41, Including 13 Children
In IJM’s first global rescue operation of the year, our team in India supported local authorities to free 41 people from bondage at a railway...
Boy Rescued and Returned Home After Three Years in Bonded Labor
Over the weekend, IJM supported local officials and our casework partners to rescue a small 13-year-old boy who had been trapped in bonded labor...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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