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Rescue Operation in Tamale, Ghana
In late April, the Ghana Police and the Department of Social Welfare led a rescue operation to bring nine suspected victims of trafficking to safety...
IJM Statement on the Nomination of Cindy Dyer as TIP Ambassador
Tuesday, May 24, 2022, WASHINGTON, D.C. — International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes the recent nomination of Cindy Dyer to serve as Director of...
IJM Statement on the Passage of Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act
Friday, May 20, 2022, WASHINGTON, D.C. — International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes the passage of emergency supplemental funding by U.S. Congress...
Police arrested trafficker who recruited two Cambodian girls to work as maids in Malaysia
After two years on the run, the convicted trafficker who abused two Cambodian girls in Malaysia was arrested by the Anti Human Trafficking Police in...
First “Panchayat Against Human Trafficking” Launched in Uttar Pradesh
Baglai’s village council—called a gram panchayat—has been working closely with IJM’s partner Akhil Bharatiya Samaj Sewa Sansthan (ABSSS) on an...
Roopa and Banaiah Raising Their Family in Freedom
Roopa and Banaiah had endured more than a decade of hard labour and heartbreak at a brick kiln in southern India, but today they are building a much...
Plea Bargaining results in the conviction of four suspects for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children Offenses in Visayas and Mindanao
VIZMIN, PHILIPPINES – Plea Bargaining time and again has been a proven legal strategy for the Philippine Justice System in prosecuting cases of...
Mumbai Woman Guilty of Running a Brothel, Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison
On April 22, 2022, a Mumbai woman was convicted after a 6-year trial and sentenced to 7 years in prison for running a brothel and exploiting...
Taking Stock of Our Collective Progress in the Fight against Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
Since 2016, International Justice Mission (IJM) has worked side by side with the Philippine government and other stakeholders to combat online sexual...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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