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Ceena Johnson

Ceena Johnson

Regional Counsel, North America

Ceena Johnson serves as IJM’s Regional Counsel for North America. She provides strategic counsel and expertise to support the organization’s legal needs and ensures risk is managed with integrity and efficiency while keeping the organization agile and responsive to opportunities.

Her journey with IJM started when she came on board as a Student Mobilization Intern in DC. Then, while in law school, she served as a Legal Intern in IJM’s former Zambia office where she worked to protect the rights of widows and orphans. Ceena returned to IJM in 2018 as a Legal Fellow with the Office of the General Counsel after practicing at a law firm in Minnesota. She joined IJM as a Staff Attorney in 2019 before stepping into the Regional Counsel role. During her time at IJM, she has had privilege of working with staff across the globe, supporting the organization’s legal needs at the local and enterprise levels.

Ceena received her B.A. with honors in English Literature & Political Science from St. John’s University and her J.D. with concentrations in international and human rights law from the University of Minnesota Law School. She currently lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and two young children—and when she’s not running around with her boys, you may find her trying new foods or curled up with a book and a cup of chai.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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