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Doug and Susan Moore

Doug and Susan Moore

Indianapolis, IN
Supporting IJM since 2017

Doug and Susan feel honored to link arms with IJM in the fight for justice. The Moore family’s first in-depth experience with IJM was on a pastor’s trip to Ghana in 2017. Northview Church graciously invited Doug on this eye-opening trip to Lake Volta and the engagement with boys on the lake and the rescued boys in aftercare is a story of hope and redemption that will forever be told in the Moore family. In 2018 additional family members traveled to Guatemala for a first-hand IJM experience. A favorite memory of Susan’s was a medical mission trip in 2008 where they stripped the seats out of a light jet and flew medical supplies and equipment that had trouble getting through customs directly to the people in need. Susan loved the one-on-one experience and direct service. Doug, graduated as a mechanical engineer from Purdue University and is the now the CEO of R.T. Moore Co. Inc. Culture. “Commitment” bests describe the 40-year old journey from a small family plumbing business to a top 100 National Mechanical Contractor. The Moore Family is best described by our prevalent “quality time” love language including outdoor activities, traveling together, or engaged in our Family Business and Foundation.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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