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Jeff Hancock

Jeff Hancock

Director of Church Mobilization

As director of church mobilization, Jeff Hancock has preached and spoken extensively around the world about God's passion for justice and the invitation to God’s people to join Him in the work of changing our world. Jeff works with churches throughout the Southeast U.S. to answer this call through partnership with IJM and through their own local ministry.

Jeff comes to IJM by way of nearly 20 years of pastoral ministry. Most recently he served as lead pastor of Crossroads International Church of the Hague in the Netherlands. Prior to that he served as teaching pastor for Grace Community Church in Raleigh, N.C. and associate pastor at Forestdale Community Church in Malden, MA.

Jeff received his master of divinity from Gordon Conwell and a bachelor’s in History from UNC-Greensboro. He lives in the Atlanta area with his wife Heather and their kids, Bella and Elisha.

Watch Jeff preach on God's heart for justice and the work of IJM. Also, watch Jeff speak at the Getty SING conference on the intersection of worship and justice.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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