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Jocelyn White

Jocelyn White

Director of Church Mobilization

Jocelyn White serves as a director of church mobilization for International Justice Mission. This role affords her the opportunity to equip churches and communities by sharing the biblical call to seek justice, introducing them to IJM’s work and mobilizing them to engage in both local and global ministry.

Prior to joining IJM, Jocelyn worked as the operations and ministry director for Westside Shepherd Church in Los Angeles. Jocelyn and her husband co-founded Slavery No More, a non-profit organization working with service providers and law enforcement to combat human trafficking in the Los Angeles area, provide resources and services to survivors, and increase collaboration among agencies.

Through her role at IJM, Jocelyn has spoken at churches and anti-human trafficking conferences and has hit the road speaking on behalf of IJM with Jennie Allen's Freedom Project Tour and Keith and Kristyn Getty. She and has been featured on KKLA, Abolition Radio Podcast and Christianity Today. Jocelyn lives in Los Angeles, California with her husband Peter and son Simeon.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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