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Give with confidence BBB Accredited Charity and Guidestar Platinum Participant

Suggested sponsorship levels include the following cost equivalents:


The approximate cost of one rescue operation of bonded labor or sex trafficking in South Asia.


The cost of funding one grassroots partner organization to rescue and rehabilitate victims of bonded labor slavery in their own community. These partners are trained by IJM to identify victims, take cases to the government for rescue and work with rescued survivors towards their restoration.


The annual cost to mobilize local communities in South Asia to address sex trafficking. IJM trains community members to work as independent witnesses in legal cases, provide job skills for survivors, volunteer in shelter homes, and many other opportunities.


The approximate cost of all aftercare, survivor empowerment and community building work done by one of IJM’s teams in South Asia. This includes survivor transportation, food, resource kits, home visits, Freedom trainings, and aftercare graduation ceremonies.


A full year of salaries for one of IJM’s casework teams. These experienced lawyers, investigators and social workers are on the front lines finding and rescuing those held in slavery.