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American Heritage Girls has joined the fight against slavery

Get your troop involved and send rescue

Mark your calendars and help your girls earn a patch.

Encourage the girls in your troop to earn an IJM Freedom Patch by completing the "Learn" and "Share" sections of our patch program below.

Purchase your Patch!


Learn more about the work of International Justice Mission and what the Bible says about injustice by completing the following assignments. We hope you’ll learn a lot and have fun doing it!

1. RESEARCH to find out more about IJM. Find the answers to the following questions on or other resources. Write them down..

  • What is IJM’s mission?
  • Where does IJM work around the world?
  • What is modern day slavery?
  • How many people are estimated to be enslaved today?

2. RESEARCH what the Bible says about injustice. Find at least three verses in the Bible that talk about God’s desire for justice for the oppressed, especially vulnerable people like widows and orphans. Write them down. Then, answer the following questions and record your answers.

  • What do these verses teach you about God? How does God respond to injustice?
  • What do these verses teach you about you, as a child of God? How should we respond to injustice?

3. READ Diya’s story.

Download the story

4. RESPOND to Diya’s story through poetry. Write a poem about the meaning of freedom, or write a poem inspired by Diya’s transformation from being trapped to being set free.

5. (Optional) MAKE Mango Lassi Pops!

Download the recipe


Host a virtual or socially distant gathering to share what you’ve learned with family, friends and neighbors! Prepare a presentation by completing the activities in the “learn” section above and following the steps below. Have questions? Email an IJM staff member at for support.

1. Download the powerpoint template to get started.

Download the template

2. Fill in the slide template using what you’ve prepared and learned already. Your presentation should have at least the 10 slides below, but you can add more if there’s something else you want to include.

  • Slide 1: Welcome
  • Slide 2: IJM’s mission
  • Slide 3: Where IJM works
  • Slide 4: The reality of modern-day slavery
  • Slide 5: IJM’s overview video
  • Slide 6: What the Bible says about injustice
  • Slide 7: Share a story of freedom by playing Gowri’s story video, or you can read or retell Diya’s story that you read in assignment 3.
  • Slide 8: Share the poem you wrote in assignment 4 in response to Diya’s story.
  • Slide 9: Get involved - Join IJM as a prayer partner!
  • Slide 10: Closing – Take time for questions or reflections from your guests about what they’ve learned.

3. Practice your presentation at least once before your gathering and test all the videos to make sure you’re ready. Remember if hosting on zoom that you’ll need to share your screen and your audio before playing a video as part of your presentation.

4. Think about how to make your gathering even more special! Consider making mango lassi pops—if you’re hosting your gathering virtually, you could even drop them off ahead of time on the doorsteps of your attendees.

5. HOST your event! Gather at least five people together and present what you’ve learned. At the end, invite your guests to become IJM prayer partners. Collect their first and last names and email addresses and enter them in at

Sign your guest up to pray with us


Have a question about IJM or how to get your troop started on our patch participation program above? We’d love to talk with you!

Email us