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Wear Freedom. Vista de Libertad.

Each new Freedom Partner will receive a Freedom T-shirt. Visit IJM’s booth to select a size and grab your t-shirt, and be reminded of your commitment to God’s heart for justice and compassion every time you wear this t-shirt.

Cada Socio de Libertad recibirá una playera Freedom. Visite el quiosco de IJM para seleccionar la talla y lleve su playera, y recuerde su compromiso hacia el corazón de Dios por la justicia y la compasión cada vez que vista la vista.


Violence Against Women and Children

Violence affects millions of women and children around the world. Those living in poverty are some of the most vulnerable to a range of everyday forms of violence—including sexual violence and domestic violence. When a man assaults his wife or partner, it’s seen as a “family matter” handled inside the home instead of reported to authorities. Sexual violence against children is frequent, and courts are ill-equipped to handle these cases and can’t respond when these women and children desperately need protection.

  • Nearly 1 in 5 girls is sexually abused at least once in her life.
  • Nearly 736 million women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime.
  • Worldwide, up to 50% of sexual assaults are committed against girls under 16 years old.

The Power of your monthly Gift

From last-minute rescues to lasting restoration, Freedom Partners help us do it all.