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Ghanaian Boys 2021 Paid Ad Campaign

Become a Prayer Partner today.

Because of prayer, lives have changed.

This is true for a little boy named Foli.

Growing up, Foli lived with his grandparents on their farm, until his grandfather was injured in an accident. The struggle to feed and put Foli through school grew and they fell prey to a relative’s false promise to care for and put Foli through school. The relative brought Foli to the coast of Lake Volta, a massive lake covering much of central Ghana.

In reality, Foli was forced onto his uncle’s fishing boat and nineteen-hour workdays became routine. He and other little boys would paddle the boat and set the nets, sometimes diving into the deep water to untangle the nets. One day, Foli became afraid of the deep water, and he cried out to God, “we are awake. In your name we are going to the lake. Put your hands over the net and don’t let it go to a place where humans can’t go, but someone still has to go. Take it to a place where it is safe for humans to go.”

Foli held out hope that he would be rescued. What Foli didn’t know was that people like you were praying for him all over the world. For strength. For courage. For rescue.

After several years, thanks to supporters like you, IJM led a rescue operation with Ghanian police and Foli, and nine other boys were rescued and moved to a safe aftercare shelter. Foli is now safe at home with his grandparents, going to school, and dreaming of becoming a famous soccer player.

Prayers yield an impact that we can’t even begin to fathom.

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Thank you! You have successfully subscribed to IJM email, and will start receiving Prayer Partner emails this coming Saturday. Learn more about why and how we pray by exploring some of the stories of rescue we've prayed over in the past.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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