Send rescue in South Asia.
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Partner today.
Help end slavery in South Asia
In South Asia, slave owners use lies and false debts to trick people in brutal bonded labor schemes. With a debt as small as a few dollars, entire families can be trapped in slavery for years. Working up to 20 hours a day, seven days a week, many people living in slavery have no way out.
But Freedom Partners are changing all of that.
By becoming a Freedom Partner, you help:
Rescue Victims
Help us partner with local law enforcement to rescue victims of bonded labor.
Restore Survivors
Your consistent gifts help provide care plans for each survivor to help them reclaim their life, and ensure they have a chance to live in freedom.
End Slavery and Trafficking
With your help, people living in the brutal world of trafficking and slavery will be set free, once and for all.
Join the Fight
By becoming a Freedom Partner, your monthly gifts of $24 or more will send freedom and healing to victims of trafficking and slavery!