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Sr. Strategist, Human Resources Operation


Who We Are

International Justice Mission (IJM) is the global leader in protecting vulnerable people from violence around the world. Our team of over 1,200 professionals are at work worldwide in over 30 offices. Together we are on a mission to rescue millions, protect half a billion, and make justice unstoppable.

We are a global community that cares for one another. We believe that the way we work is as important as the results we achieve. We provide professional excellence with joy and celebration to all those we serve.

The Need

For 25 years, IJM has pioneered the work to protect vulnerable people from violence. 9 out of 9 times in the last decade, IJM’s Justice System Strengthening Projects have reduced slavery and violence between 50 and 85% for very large populations of people in poverty. As we grow to expand our impact to protect 500 million people from violence by 2030, we are seeking a Sr. Strategist, Human Resources Operation to provide support the design and implementation of programs and processes of People Support.

This position is based in Manila, Philippines and reports to the Head, Human Resources.


Talent Management

  • Organizes and takes part in end-to-end recruitment process;
  • Ensures compliance with employment and data protection related legal requirements;
  • Provides/participate in job-shadowing with another HR colleague as assigned by the Head;
  • Participates in succession planning, employee costing, and HR budget planning;
  • Supports onboarding and offboarding processes;
  • Serves as subject matter expert on interns, fellows, consultants, and contractors; and
  • Keeps up to date with policies and procedures relating to employment and other human resources issues.
  • Participates in IJM’s community of spiritual formation.


  • Supports interns, fellows, and international staff concerning issues on housing, utilities, facilitating visa applications, tax compliance, immigration requirements, etc.; and
  • Provides high quality administrative support to international staff, international interns and fellows which includes maintaining information packets/documents for staff and leaders.

HRIS and HR Operations

  • Guides employees on their HRIS experience (Workday); become the specialist for HRIS and provide support to users to optimize the utilization of the system;
  • Update and optimize Workday modules to become the primary HR data source and basis for HR decisions;
  • Monitors HR team email inbox and provides replies and solutions according to agreed SLAs. This includes maintaining and continuously reviewing HR processes and information materials for resolving enquiries via email, and in person;
  • Ensures accurate and up-to-date employee records (201 files) are archived (contracts, notices of promotions/salary adjustments, etc.);
  • Time and absence management – maintains and updates employee records on time reporting and absences;
  • Provides clerical support to the HR team (e.g., ID printing etc.);
  • Replies to audit inquiries/requirements in collaboration with Finance and program teams;
  • Proposes streamlining of HR policies and procedures; and
  • Support the HR team in developing, updating, and ensuring the HR policies and procedures meets the minimum requirements of DOLE and align with IJM’s regional and global standards.

Staff Care and Spiritual Growth

  • Plans and oversees the office daily and quarterly prayer retreats; and
  • Supports staff care program implementation.

Learning & Development

  • Supports people managers and HR Head in learning needs analysis, including identification of individual development plans; and
  • Conducts regular employee pulse checks and recommendations around learning and development.

Payroll Administration

  • Serves as a reliever to payroll administrator. Will be required to process payroll from end-to-end on specific pay period;
  • Validates monthly income taxes withheld, remittances and loan repayments; and
  • Liaises with external benefits providers and vendors, which may include health, disability, mental, and life insurance plan providers (Intellicare, CompSych, SSS, WISP, EC, Philhealth, Pag-Ibig Fund, life insurance, etc.).


  • Required bachelor’s degree in human resources management, public administration, or any related discipline;
  • Certification in Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management;
  • Data protection certification is a plus;
  • At least 3 to 5 years of experience in HR Management;
  • Proven working experience using any HRIS, including ATS (e.g., Workday, Oracle, Sprout, JeonSoft, iAdmin etc.);
  • Committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and productive work environment;
  • Working knowledge of Philippines labor law, statutory systems, DOLE advisories, regulations, and requirements;
  • Knowledge of HR best practices and membership to any reputable HR associations;
  • Working knowledge on MS Office effectively;
  • Excellent Communications Skills; both written and verbal communication;
  • Proven commitment to continuous learning and development; and
  • Proven commitment to maintaining strict confidentiality when dealing with sensitive information.

Critical Qualities:

  • Eager commitment to IJM's Core Values: Christian, Professional and Bridge-Building;
  • Self-starter with strong initiative;
  • Disciplined with priorities;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and self-awareness;
  • Exceptional verbal and written communication;
  • Flexible, collaborative and eager to support others;
  • Effective team player who fosters collaborative environment; and
  • Adept at creative problem solving

Application Process:

Please submit your updated resume and cover letter in one PDF document to on or before 31 May 2024.

IJM holds strict safeguarding principles and a zero tolerance to violations of the Safeguarding Policy, Protection against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy, and Code of Ethics. Candidate selection is based on technical competence, recruitment, selection and hiring criteria subject to assessing the candidates value congruence and thorough background, police clearance, and reference check processes.

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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