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Protecting Women and Children from Violence

A poor woman in Uganda not only has to contend with the challenge of eking out a living in harsh conditions, but also with the threat of violence to her and her family if she attempts to stand up for her rights.

Land theft targets some of the most vulnerable women and children in the country.

Not only does land theft leave victims homeless, destitute and extremely vulnerable to other forms of abuse, it’s a violent crime. In an IJM study, nearly 1 out of 5 victims of land theft reported that the theft of their property involved a murder attempt on his or her life, and nearly 1 out of every 3 had threats of violence made against their children by perpetrators.

We are standing with widows and orphans in two of the areas hardest-hit by this crime.

Our Progress

Through IJM’s support, Uganda's police force has deployed a specialized team of investigators with the resources, training and mandate to respond to land theft crimes, for the first time in its history.

In October 2017, IJM and the Chief Justice of Uganda signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding, outlining a commitment to work together to end violence against women and children in Uganda.

We have restored more than 1700 widows, orphans and their families to their homes since 2008. Meet one of them »

We have secured convictions of more than 60 perpetrators of land theft—a powerful sign when previously perpetrators of this crime were virtually never brought to justice.

Our Teams in Uganda

Gulu, Uganda

Field Office Director: Chris Marshall
Established: 2012
Focus: Violence Against Women and Children

Kampala, Uganda

National Director: Shawn Kohl
Field Office Director: James Foster
Established: 2004
Focus: Violence Against Women and Children

Help victims of land theft today.

You can send help to families suffering abuse.

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

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