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Fundraising in Your Neighborhood

You may encounter fundraisers for International Justice Mission out on the street or in front of shops in your community. You may also meet an IJM fundraiser via a phone call conversation. Either way, our fundraising teams are working to grow our community of sustaining donors who support IJM on a consistent basis to ensure we have reliable resources to foster a safer, more just world.

To learn more about IJM’s work, please click here.

How do I trust that the fundraiser I met is reputable?

These fundraising efforts are implemented by Professional Fundraising Services (PFS) and HCB Communications, both trusted professional fundraising agencies with whom IJM partners. Every donation is securely electronically processed, ensuring ease and convenience.

Whether you meet a fundraiser in your community or on the phone, they should always direct you to this page or our Donor Services line if you would like to verify that they are affiliated with IJM. They will also be wearing an official nametag, a blue polo shirt, and have our IJM logo on display like in the photos below.

For answers to additional questions, please contact our Donor Services team at 844.422.5878 or

Will you send rescue and protection month after month until everyone is free from violence and modern slavery? Become a Freedom Partner today.

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Or give using your Donor–Advised Fund Donor-Advised Funds

Billing Information

Your Donation: $ + $0.46 fees

Card Information

Your Donation: $ + $0.46 fees

You are giving a one-time gift.

Give with confidence BBB Accredited Charity and Guidestar Platinum Participant

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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We're here to help.
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