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Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

IJM Justice Gathering

Thursday, April 13, 2023, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
The Thompson Hotel | Dallas, Texas

Presenting Sponsor


  • 2 event tables and seating with IJM leadership (20 tickets)
  • 12 President’s Reception tickets
  • Invitation to visit one of IJM’s field offices
  • Highest priority placement in program materials
  • Presenting sponsor gift

A Presenting Sponsor gift is the equivalent of the full cost of the Odisha and Bihar programs in India. About 75% of victims rescued from IJM's offices are originally from the state of Odisha. This team helps rehabilitate survivors as they return home and also advocates with the government for long-term protection. A similar project was started in Bihar, another state that is home to many survivors rescued by IJM in other parts of the country.

Justice Sponsor


  • 2 event tables and seating with IJM leadership (20 tickets)
  • 10 President’s Reception tickets
  • Invitation to visit one of IJM’s field offices
  • Priority placement in program materials
  • Table sponsor gift

A Justice Sponsor gift is the equivalent of the cost of operations and staffing for the Tamale office in northern Ghana. Some of the areas of the lake with the highest rates of trafficking are also the most difficult to reach. The Tamale office makes it possible for our teams to better prepare for rescue operations and follow up with survivors

Freedom Sponsor


  • 2 event tables (20 tickets)
  • 8 President’s Reception tickets
  • Invitation to visit one of IJM’s field offices
  • Listing in program materials
  • Table sponsor gift

A Freedom Sponsor gift is the equivalent of the approximate cost of all aftercare team salaries in Thailand for an entire year. This team provides direct, specialized care to survivors of labor trafficking, and works closely with social services and other partners to ensure survivors receive the care and support they need to heal and be restored to wholeness.

Champion Sponsor


  • 1 event table (10 tickets)
  • 6 President’s Reception tickets
  • Listing in program materials
  • Table sponsor gift

A Champion Sponsor gift is the equivalent of the annual cost of a trauma-informed care specialist or lead criminal investigator in Guatemala. These leaders help bring rescue, restoration and renewed hope for lives and futures to children suffering from sexual violence.

Defender Sponsor


  • 1 event table (10 tickets)
  • 4 President’s Reception tickets
  • Listing in program materials
  • Table sponsor gift

A Defender Sponsor gift is the equivalent of the annual cost of supporting and catalyzing our state anti-slavery coalition called "Shout for Freedom." IJM initiated this coalition, but it now hosts 30 local NGOs and 60 individual members who raise awareness about modern slavery, support survivor rehabilitation, and advocate for government action.

Rescuer Sponsor


  • 1 event table (10 tickets)
  • 2 President’s Reception tickets
  • Listing in program materials
  • Table sponsor gift

A Rescuer Sponsor gift is the equivalent of the approximate cost of providing trauma-informed crisis intervention training to local law enforcement officers and social workers for one year in the Philippines, allowing them to care for survivors of cybersex trafficking.

Hope Sponsor


  • 1 event table (10 tickets)
  • 2 President’s Reception tickets
  • Table sponsor gift

A Hope Sponsor gift is the equivalent of the average cost to hold a survivor celebration for child survivors of sexual violence or sex trafficking who have completed IJM's comprehensive aftercare program or bravely testified in court. We celebrate their courage, their resilience, and their progress.

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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