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Help bring hope, rescue and restoration this holiday season.


You can pledge a gift by texting Benefit to 52886.

Join a breakout session with IJM South Asia teammates!

Special thanks to our National Benefit sponsors!

Trish & Ryan Barton, Moultonborough NH

Cindy & Mark Chuang, San Francisco CA

David and Kristin Cummins, McLean VA

Sarah & James Foster, Minneapolis MN

Will and Allison Gaskins, Falls Church VA

Haley & Geneo Grissom, Frisco TX

Susie & T. Hardie, Dallas TX

Melissa & Blair Heuer, Pasadena CA

Erin & Brent Jasper, Tyler TX

Helen Kaminski, Costa Mesa CA

Mission Cold Brew, Fall River MA

Eric and Beth Mollenhauer, Massachusetts

Jennifer and Mark Monical, Lake Jackson TX

Luke and Lori Morrow, Midland TX

Mark & Sarah Silk, Pasadena CA

TBK Bank, Dallas TX

Katherine & Joshua Ungerecht, Pasadena CA

Anonymous, Arlington VA

Anonymous, Vienna VA

Event Program

Sam Acho, NFL Player, Author & Speaker
Amanda Vohs, National Director of Strategic Partnerships, IJM US

Gary Haugen, IJM CEO & Founder

Vision Casting + South Asia Overview
Philip Langford, President, IJM US
Anu George Canjanathoppil, Executive Director, IJM Canada

Keynote: Transformed Hands
Raja Ebenezer, Advocate, IJM South Asia

Hands to Send Rescue
David & Tricia Burnett, IJM Partners, Seattle

Artist Performance
Lauren Daigle, Grammy-Award Winning Artist

Philip Langford, President, IJM US

Breakout Sessions with IJM South Asia staff


Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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