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72 Days For Freedom - And How You Can Help!

March 2012

Assembling on short notice - the word spreading rapidly via Twitter and Facebook - thousands filled the sanctuary at Passion City Church in Atlanta. A handful of seats even held more than one guest. At 7:30 pm on a Monday evening, it was the launch of "72 Days for Freedom" - Passion's new campaign to raise awareness and make a difference in the fight to end global human trafficking. To say that the anticipation and energy were high would fail to fully capture the moment.

The house lights dimmed and the night began with the first installment of Freedom: Indifference Is Not An Option - an original film produced by Passion about modern-day slavery. Fast-paced scenes played out before the captive audience, setting the stage for three main narratives of real men and women who had found themselves trapped in some form of slavery.

Following the film, Louie Giglio, Passion's founder, framed the campaign's purpose, explaining that the problem of modern day slavery was going to be front and center for the next 72 days and that everyone present could take action and make a difference.

He invited Gary Haugen to speak to the group, and IJM's president challenged and inspired those in attendance with a simple yet powerful message: Slavery is real. It is stoppable. And we are God's plan to bring an end to it. With eloquent fervor, Gary stressed that slavery is stoppable because God hates it, and because the perpetrators aren't brave - they're simply counting on us to remain silent and do nothing about it.

The thousands in attendance had absolutely no intention of remaining silent.

Momentum grew for the rest of the evening with corporate prayer, energetic worship and a call to action. The first commitment people were charged with was to sign the letter to President Obama on IJM's website, which has garnered over ten thousand new signatures in the week since.

Perhaps the most memorable moment came when Louie asked Gary and Justin Dillon of Slavery Footprint to join him on stage and presented them with a small white envelope. Inside was an announcement: Passion would be providing a significant grant to IJM and Slavery Footprint unbelievable!

What is even more remarkable is that the grant funds didn't come from a massive foundation - but from the individual gifts given by 43,000 college-aged people - young men and women who attended the Passion Conference in January. Because of the individual decisions to sacrifice made by these students, IJM will be able to do even more to combat slavery.

It was evident that the night would have an impact on all who were present, and that the broader abolitionist movement would be infused with fresh excitement and momentum from the thousands who came to declare with one voice: Indifference is not an option.

Help IJM and Passion collect 72,000 signatures, asking President Obama to help end modern-day slavery! Sign the letter today!

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