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UPDATE: Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare Partner with IJM to Rescue a 10-Year-Old Boy

Earlier this month, IJM worked with the Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare to rescue a 10-year-old boy who had been trafficked to fish on Lake Volta.

The boy had never gone to school and was sold by his parents in April to a man who agreed to pay just over $90 for the boy’s labor. He worked in the night, from between midnight and 2:00 a.m. until noon.

The rescue team reported that the boy had worked all his life and didn’t even know how to color. He has been placed in a shelter where he will receive any necessary medical attention and psychosocial care.

Two suspects have been arrested.

UPDATE: The two suspects were convicted and sentenced to 24 months in prison and a fine of about $1000 for the trafficking of a child.

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