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Ghana Young Journalist Fellowship Program

As part of IJM Ghana’s efforts to increase awareness of human trafficking through the use of mass media and also maintain a strategic relationship with journalists and media houses, IJM empowered ten young and vibrant journalists from various media houses, radio, television and print media through a flagship program called, Young Journalist Fellowship Program. The journalists came from various regions in Ghana, specifically from destination and source communities noted for trafficking. These young journalists affiliated with top media houses proactively engaged in reporting human trafficking and the work of IJM over their one-year fellowship program.

Over the course of the fellowship program, the young journalists were educated on various topics which include reporting from the courtroom, best journalism practices, the use of digital tools for media campaigns, creative writing, ethics on human trafficking reportage, the nature of human trafficking in Ghana and how to apply investigative skills to gather data or news reportage on trafficking cases. The one-year fellowship program had planned programs and activities which include training workshops, coaching sessions, networking events and cohort discussions and a closing ceremony to celebrate their achievements and highlight outstanding fellows.

The fellowship program was aimed at equipping young journalists to proactively engage in reportage on human trafficking and the work of IJM.

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