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January 2012

Last month, IJM was thrilled to announce its partnership with Polaris Project and Slavery Footprint on a unified initiative to mobilize millions of Americans in the fight to end modern-day slavery. is generously funding this U.S.-based partnership, as well as two other multi-year initiatives to combat slavery in India. (Check out the coverage on CNN!)

Google's support makes it possible for IJM to join forces with these two other leading anti-slavery organizations, harnessing our combined expertise and resources to build the movement, change laws and urge American policy-makers to champion the fight against slavery around the world.

What does this mean for Justice Campaigns? For starters, we're hiring two new organizers (!) - one to expand the geographical reach of our state campaigns and another to manage our online campaigns. We're building an online action center that will rank policy-makers' responses to human trafficking, connect advocates in the same region and provide online training and resources. Well also be partnering with Polaris Project to pass new anti-trafficking laws in target states. We'll expand our efforts to protect and grow U.S. government resources to combat human trafficking internationally and domestically, and, as the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation approaches next year, we'll be pushing for increased leadership from the President to help our country become a champion in the fight to end slaveryagain.

As always, we'll need your help to achieve these goals and make the case to your elected policy-makers that Americans care about ending modern-day slavery. Many thanks for your continued support - stay tuned!

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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