International Justice Mission Announces Partnership with Target to Combat Labor Trafficking
Human Trafficking
International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, has launched a multi-year partnership with Target Corp. to combat labor trafficking in India.
As an international corporation, Target is seeking to improve and ensure worker well-being throughout their supply chains. Part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives include investing funds over three years towards a safe communities program in northern India and a grassroots prevention project in southern India.
For the safe migration program, harsh climate and economic conditions in the northern part of the country push laborers south and make them vulnerable to abuses such as trafficking and bonded labor. The current funding from Target enables IJM to continue equipping survivors of labor trafficking and community members with mass education on safe migration practices, policies and opportunities. Additionally, this program includes initiatives that promote enhanced policies and procedures to ensure safe migration for laborers.
The grassroots prevention program, a community-based labor trafficking prevention strategy, includes prevention campaigns, equipping non-governmental organizations and empowering survivors to become advocates with government leaders. The program also aims to engage the media to raise general awareness about the prevalence of bonded labor. These efforts are designed to build bridges between the local community and government and to increase public confidence in reporting cases of bonded labor.
“IJM values our partnership with Target as we work together to create long-lasting change in India,” said IJM’s CEO Gary Haugen.