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DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT UP TO A YEAR! Join our Freedom Partner community today and your monthly support will be matched over the next 12 months.

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Partner with an IJM field office today

Across the globe, there are children and women who live in fear of violence every day. When you partner with a field office, you help rescue and protect children, women, and families from violence and create a safe future where they can flourish without fear. Together we can build a world with transformed justice systems to ensure that survivors are never victims of violence ever again.


Choose a field office you want to partner with.

International Justice Mission has 33 field offices worldwide, some of which are ready to support a strong partnership with you. These offices currently need your help.


Violence Against Women and Children


Child Sexual Assault


Forced Labor Slavery


Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

Bangalore & Chennai, India

Bonded Labor Slavery

Thailand & Cambodia

Cross-border Trafficking


What will your connection with the field office look like?

It’s our goal to make partnership a very personal experience. Your field office host will be your guide from the start, staying connected with you throughout your commitment.

Though each partnership is unique based on the capacity and availability of our team, all partners receive:

Find helpful tools, a facilitator guide, and unique ways to identify yourself as a dedicated Field Partner.

As an invested partner, you’ll receive exclusive field operations and rescue updates as well as stories directly from the team.

Over the course of your partnership, you'll have the opportunity to plan a visit to the field office for a first-hand look at day-to-day operations.

Stay on top of field office progress and share it with those closest to you.

Our hosts & partners have many stories, but one strong voice

Anaeli Rodas, Guatemala

Anaeli was born and raised in Guatemala. She seeks constant learning and growth, and is inspired by the constant wonder of children. She Is convinced that vulnerable women or children, when given the opportunity, can transform their communities.

Anaeli has chosen to work in IJM as a result of a true conviction and belief in God´s heart for justice and has been part of the advocacy and mobilization and the monitoring and evaluation teams in IJM Guatemala.

Latitude Creative Agency

At Latitude, we are a creative agency whose core belief is that business should be a force for good in the world. Our partnership with IJM for the past 8+ years has enabled that to happen. Each month, our team has had the privilege of funding a rescue and hearing from IJM on our impact. Our team celebrates each of these rescue operations and the lives changed. We’ve even been able to travel to the field and see the work first-hand. We have learned so much about the issue of slavery around the globe, IJM's fight to change this reality, and how any of us can be a part of their life-changing work.

Redemption Hill Church

“It’s so good to know that there is a church (Redemption Hill Church) and there is a family out there who actually prays for me and sends me cards of encouragement.

This work is tough. But with their prayers and support, I know everyday I can make it go forward. I’m encouraged, truly, their words are beautiful. Thank you!”

IJM Staff Member


Becoming a Field Partner is easier than you think.

If you share the vision of a world without slavery and sexual violence, then it’s time to share your voice. So to keep the momentum strong, we encourage you to annually renew your commitment. We’re excited for you to make a difference for the field office of your choice and the cause you’re most passionate about.

The End of Violence and Slavery Starts Now

Your voice and efforts are critical to IJM’s important work, so we just can’t wait to hear from you.

For more information on partnering with a field office, email us at

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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