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A public theologian at heart, Joash is passionate about Biblical justice and political theology, and he loves sparking advocates and church leaders across the world to give generously in the name of justice.
Event Types: Biblical Justice, Church Engagement, Grassroots movements
JT headshot


Joash Thomas is International Justice Mission Canada’s National Director of Mobilization & Advocacy. Born and raised in India, Joash has served with IJM teams in 3 countries over the past decade. Prior to joining IJM, Joash ran a political consulting and lobbying firm in the United States.

Joash has a master’s degree in Political Management from The George Washington University and is currently pursuing a dual master’s degree in Christian Leadership & Systematic Theology. A sought-after speaker, Joash is frequently invited to teach about justice at churches & conferences across North America. An Oblate in the Diocese of St. Anthony, Joash is also the author of ‘A Just Gospel’, a forthcoming book in partnership with Brazos Press to be published in Fall 2025.

Based in the Greater Toronto Area, Joash leads a dynamic team that is building the Canadian movement to rescue millions and protect half a billion people from slavery & violence by 2030.

But the Christian faith is really not about just us. And it’s not for just us – it’s for all of creation – especially those on the margins of society.

- Joash Thomas

Joash quote



Director of Development and Mobilization in British Columbia for IJM Canada

more about eugene

Director of Mobilization NYC for International Justice Mission

more about jenn

Former Director of Advocacy and Partnerships for IJM Ghana

more about leo


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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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