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Aaron's story

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Help rescue more children like Aaron from online sexual exploitation.

Aaron* was just 2 years old when he was rescued from an unthinkable crime in the Philippines. He and other children had been sexually abused by one of Aaron’s relatives, who then shared the content online for profit.

Working with global partners and local law enforcement in the Philippines, IJM was vital to gathering evidence and launching the investigation that led to the rescue of Aaron and other victims, as well as the arrest of the perpetrator.

“He was tiny and fragile. He longed to be held and cared for.”

-Sheila, an IJM worker who was there at the time of Aaron’s rescue.

After their rescue, Aaron and the other children were brought to an Assessment Center where a multidisciplinary team immediately began providing trauma-informed services and care, including therapeutic interventions guided by the expertise of multiple agencies.


When Aaron was emotionally ready, he was placed in the care of loving foster parents in the Philippines, where he continues to receive loving aftercare. It’s a place where he can freely be a child again.

Today, Aaron enjoys playing with cars and anything related to superheroes. Thank you for making Aaron's rescue and restoration possible.

Online exploitation of children is one of the fastest-growing forms of human trafficking in the digital age. It’s a global crime that requires a global response to stop both the supply and demand.

To end online sexual exploitation of children, IJM partners with law enforcement and justice system officials to rescue victims, restore survivors and hold criminals accountable for exploiting children. Please give now to help more children like Aaron.

*a pseudonym and stock images

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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