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Mrs. Dillon and the Soccer Boys
Constituent Experience Representative Jared Umberger shines a spotlight on the stories of some of our extraordinary supporters. Kindness matters....
Unsafe in Lockdown: Migrant Laborers, Already Vulnerable to Modern Slavery, Now Dangerously Exposed
“I wasn’t ready. There was no sign. We were doing our job in the morning, and then we were told to leave the factory later that afternoon. Our...
Rescue at Sea: Five Fishermen Free
Five fishermen are now free from forced labor and human trafficking after being rescued by Thailand's Department of Special Investigation (DSI) with...
Cambodian Girls Trafficked to Work as Maids in Malaysia See Recruiters Sentenced
Last week, IJM staff in Cambodia attended a hearing on the sentencing of four convicted traffickers who recruited two girls, ages 12 and 16 to work...
IJM and Survivor Leaders Reaching Out on COVID-19 Spread
As the world races to stem the spread of COVID-19, IJM's team in Chennai has been working with local leaders in the Released Bonded Laborers’...
Freed from Fear: Rescue Operation at Three Eucalyptus Farms
Last week, IJM joined the Karnataka State Human Rights Commission (KSHRC) and local authorities on a rescue operation to free 50 people from bonded...
"Totally Wrecked In The Best Possible Way"
Constituent Experience Representative Jared Umberger shines a spotlight on the stories of some of our extraordinary supporters. At IJM, I receive a...
The Persistent Knock for Justice
Many of you who have been praying for us know the beginnings of this story: Back in 2014, we were invited to submit a grant proposal to address...
Turning the Tide on Slavery in the Thai Fishing Industry
It was like hell.”Saying this, Leakhena had the same haunted look that I have now seen reflected in hundreds of survivors’ eyes as they travel back...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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