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Breaking News

Six Freed from Mumbai Brothel amid a Busy Festival Season
On Saturday, IJM staff supported senior anti-human trafficking police on a rescue operation to free six girls and young women from exploitation in a...
American Arrested in Cebu Apartment for Cybersex Trafficking, as Teenager Is Rescued Nearby
The arrest of an American national on Thursday morning quickly led to the rescue of one of his victims, a 16-year-old girl, in a neighboring city.
Three Guilty for Holding Slaves in an Indian Rock Quarry
One south Indian court sent a powerful message to modern-day slave owners this week, as a judge convicted three men for enslaving families at a...
Five Children Are Free, and Their Journey to Healing Begins
Acting on a tip from the Nordic Liaison Office, the Philippine National Police rescued five victims of cybersex trafficking last week in a town north...
Philippine Police Capture Australian National Accused of Online Crimes Against Children
Philippine authorities arrested Australian national John Loffler and his Filipina partner after police caught the woman sending sexually explicit...
Beaten and Betrayed: 14 Men Freed from an Abusive Ginger Farm
Local police have arrested one alleged slave owner and are searching for two others after a dramatic rescue operation that brought 14 terrified men...
IJM Lawyers Secure a 70-year Sentence for a Serial Rapist in Guatemala
On August 30th, a Guatemalan judge declared a 23-year-old serial rapist guilty and gave him a sentence of 70 years in prison for raping a minor and...
Two Arrested for Trafficking Burmese Family, Including Five Children, into Thailand
BANGKOK, THAILAND—Two suspected traffickers, who are accused of recruiting and exploiting a Burmese family of 12, are now in jail.
Kolkata Police and IJM Stop a Powerful Trafficking Kingpin
Last week, IJM helped Kolkata’s anti-trafficking police rescue two sex trafficking victims and arrest five criminals, including a notorious...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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