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"He trapped us."
Jakelin grew up with her mother and three brothers in their cinderblock home that clung to the gorge of Guatemala City. Her mother worked hard as a...
Trafficked Boy Escapes, But Returns to Rescue His Friends
On a busy day last November, Manikandan took one last look around the dingy snack factory where he’d worked for nine years and decided it was time to...
Kofi Was Enslaved on Lake Volta at 8 Years Old
Kofi remembers the day he left home. He was 8 years old. His mother introduced him to a nice man. The man told him he’d take Kofi to live with him...
Alice Was Beaten by the One She Loved
Violence was a part of Alice’s story from the very beginning. She was just a little girl when she first witnessed it. She could hear her father’s...
30 Years. Three Generations. One Powerful Rescue.
Kuppan* was struggling to help his impoverished family until a farm owner offered him a loan of 1,000 rupees in exchange for his labor. Just 15 years...
Bhavani was 5 when she was kidnapped.
Life was already hard before Bhavani was taken from her parents. Her mom and dad had been slaves on a sugarcane farm for a year, trapped to repay a...
Roopa's Story
BANGALORE, INDIA – “I was very happy for the first six years of my life,” Roopa recalls with a smile. Her childhood was full of playing with her...
Pregnant Widow Chased from Her Land After Husband's Death
Today is International Widow's Day. We highlight one of our clients, T. Claire, a widow who was restored to her land, below:
Cyclists Embark on 500-Mile Journey to End Slavery
This week, a group of strangers donned helmets and hopped on their bikes, setting off on a six-day journey from Seattle to Portland. The cyclists are...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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