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Dominican Republic

Six Women Rescued From Sexual Exploitation
After six months of investigations, IJM supported a rescue operation led by the Dominican Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) that brought freedom to...
Operation Frees Six Venezuelan Women from Sex Trafficking in the DR
In an expertly executed rescue operation last Friday, anti-trafficking officials in the Dominican Republic have freed six young Venezuelan women from...
Dominican Government Launches a New Action Plan to End Sex Trafficking
On May 10, 2018, the Dominican Republic Ministry for External Relations (MIREX) and International Justice Mission (IJM) celebrated the collaborative...
Children Aren't Tourist Attractions: Deisy's Story
For many months out of the year, tourists flock to her town to enjoy the warm weather, picturesque landscapes and pristine beaches. Growing up in a...
Seven Sex Traffickers Convicted for Exploiting 13 Minors in the Dominican Republic
On January 22, a Dominican court held trial until 10:30 at night, deliberated for an hour, and then found seven sex traffickers guilty of selling...
Freedom Begins On The Eve Of Her 13th Birthday
Karla* celebrated her 13th birthday on March 10 with a cake and candles, beginning her teenage years in freedom.
Maximum Sentencing Sends Strong Message To Traffickers to Stop Abuse in DR
Two Dominican men are behind bars where they will spend the next 20 years in prison for sexually abusing a young teen, receiving the maximum sentence...
IJM’s First Conviction in the Dominican Republic
Today, a criminal was found guilty and sentenced in the Dominican Republic for the commercial sexual exploitation of a teenage girl. The ruling is...
Undercover Rescue Operation Frees 18 in the Dominican Republic
It was a typical Wednesday afternoon at a private house party in the Dominican Republic, the most-visited destination in the Caribbean. But moments...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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