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Tatiana's Story

24 10 IJM25 009 October NL Storypage Tatiana images 2x

A Powerful Voice for Change

Help survivors like Tatiana work to protect children from abuse.

Tatiana was just 4 years old when a teenage neighbor abused her. Now, nearly three decades later, Mi Historia Importa — an IJM survivor group in Guatemala made possible by friends like you — is giving Tatiana the supportive community she has longed for.

Together, she and her fellow survivors are telling their stories, speaking truth to power and advocating for the care and protection of children and women experiencing violence and abuse.

“This group has filled me with the passion and commitment I need to fight against any type of violence.”

— Tatiana, sexual abuse survivor

24 10 IJM25 009 October NL Storypage Tatiana Body image 2x

Tatiana was only four years old when she was first abused. Her parents knew what happened but didn’t report it. Instead, they moved to a new home, trying to leave the incident behind. But Tatiana carried the pain with her every day of her life.

That’s why she is so passionate about working with Mi Historia Importa. The group introduced Tatiana to fellow survivors who understood what she had been through. Finally, she felt supported and listened to. Finally, she could heal.

Being part of a community helped Tatiana realize the power of her story and her voice. She stopped seeing herself as a victim and began to see herself as a survivor. She participated in an IJM training and learned how to effectively share her story to empower other survivors and influence government officials and community leaders to drive meaningful change.

Nearly one in five girls is sexually abused at least once in her life. Help protect children and women from violence with your gift today.

Tatiana now coaches survivors who want to become advocates like her. As she continues to heal and grow, her daughter is her constant inspiration.

“I volunteer in Mi Historia Importa because I want my daughter to have a better future,” Tatiana says. “[She] will grow up in a better place because I use my voice to demand protection for her and [all] children.”

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519.679.5030 x.229

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