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Eric and Jen Wolford

Eric and Jen Wolford

Chairs, Executive Steering Committee

Danville, CA
Supporting IJM since 2011

Eric and Jen Wolford met at Pepperdine University, where they fell in love studying abroad in Heidelberg, Germany, then graduated and married in quick succession. Subsequent graduate studies at NYU and Rutgers exposed them to interesting weather while Eric worked at AT&T and Jen completed a decade of classroom teaching. Upon relocation to the Bay Area, Eric helped build a series of start-up companies, most recently through his current role as a partner with Accel. Jennifer's skills are used in local schools and nonprofits, where there's no lack of worthy work to be done. Eric is happiest while flyfishing in a mountain stream, ideally on a backpacking trip with his father and son. Jennifer loves not camping, and if there's music playing, she's probably dancing. While Eric has been known to dance, Jen has never been known to camp in over 30 years of marriage. They both seek to connect others with the love of Christ through intentional friendship, hospitality, and philanthropy. Just as when they met, Eric and Jen continue to enjoy travel together, often visiting the work of ministry partners. Their very favorite travel companions are family: Marc, a senior at Pepperdine; Julia, a sophomore at USC; and Lydia, who enjoys attending a local high school. Eric's parents in California and Jen's parents in Colorado have been married 60 years, each continuing to provide a beautiful model of God's love in action. They teach the idea of service by living it and without any words, inspire Eric and Jen to the same.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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