Jason and Jennifer Hackmann
Jason and Jennifer Hackmann
St. Louis, MO
Supporting IJM since 2011
Jason and Jennifer were introduced to child-slavery in Ghana when they first traveled to Africa in 2009. It was a life-changing trip for both, leading to an ongoing commitment. In Ghana they support a Christian orphanage and school that takes in former child slaves and orphans. They have been big supporters of the International Justice Mission since 2011, in their efforts to end child slavery. Jason expanded his travel in 2012 to African war-torn countries such as: Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Central African Republic, and Democratic Republic of Congo. He travels there with The Enough Project and supports their work to create real consequences for the perpetrators and facilitators of genocide and mass atrocities. They are also passionate about helping incorporate Christian Discipleship Programs in war torn countries in Africa through World Vision. Jason is the Owner of BryanMark Group, and Jennifer is a stay-at-home mom who does volunteer work through multiple organizations within St. Louis. The couple has three teenage children: Evan, Alexis, and Hadley. The family also has a Belgian Malinois named Eddie. Jason enjoys boating, reading, and talking about Africa and Jennifer enjoys boating, volunteering, and doing anything with her family.