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John Passauer

John Passauer

Chief Financial Officer

John Passauer joined IJM in December 2016 as IJM’s first ever Chief Financial Officer. John’s career spans over many leadership roles that have driven transformation and development at MCI, AES and most recently Ascom Network Testing Division. He has played an integral role in creating and leading teams to deliver innovative solutions to support growing businesses. John has extensive international experience having worked and lived in Brazil as Controller of a large publically held telecom operator, as well as having served on board of directors for entities in Chile, South Africa, Malaysia, India and China.

John enjoys spending time with his wife Nancy and with their four adult children and two grandchildren. Other interests include team-teaching Bible (with Nancy) with a group of sixth graders at their church and running, bicycling, kayaking, backpacking and gardening.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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