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Jon Good

Jon Good

Church Mobilization Director of the Midwest Region

Jon Good serves as one of IJM’s church mobilization directors and helps equip churches by sharing the biblical call to justice, introducing churches to IJM’s ministry and mobilizing churches to engage in local and global justice ministries.

An ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Jon received his degree in Sociology from The Colorado College and his master of divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. Prior to joining IJM, Jon pastored two churches, one in Madison, Wisconsin and the other in suburban Minneapolis, for a total of 15 years, and helped launch a partnership with IJM during one of his pastorates. Jon’s parish ministry was followed by service on staff with World Vision-US and Habitat for Humanity International. Jon has extensive experience in ecumenical and interfaith relations, in leading global short-term teams of both pastors and parishioners, and in preaching and teaching. He also volunteers as a fire chaplain in his hometown. Based in Minneapolis, Jon is married to Peggy, a hospice chaplain, and is the proud father to two daughters.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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