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Juan Miguel Rivera

Juan Miguel Rivera

Regional Vice-President, Northern Triangle

Juan Miguel began his service with IJM in 2016 as Regional Security Manager, based in Guatemala City. In 2017 he moved to San Salvador, El Salvador with his family to lead IJM’s assessment and inception in that country which successfully resulted in the establishment of IJM’s field office in El Salvador and our program to combat violent crime. Since then and under his leadership, IJM has become a credible and trustworthy partner to the Salvadoran government in transforming its citizen security and justice agencies. Before IJM, Juan Miguel worked for international and social organizations like Transparency International, Action for Peace, Child Fund, and Peace Corps, focused on citizenship engagement, citizen security, risk reduction, and community development. Juan Miguel holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science from Rafael Landivar University and a master's degree in Development from Universidad Catolica de Murcia, Spain.

Juan Miguel enjoys playing with his children, reading, and motorcycle travel. He, his wife Veronica, and their children Mateo, Felipe and Amelia will be based in Guatemala City, Guatemala as of mid-2022.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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