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Mark and Jen Monical

Mark and Jen Monical

Executive Steering Committee

Lake Jackson, TX
Supporting IJM since 2008

Jen and Mark Monical hold IJM very dear and feel privileged to support and pray as they believe strongly in the work IJM is doing around the world. They have lived in Lake Jackson, Texas since birth and childhood, and are passionate about serving their beloved community. Both were raised, baptized and married at FBC Lake Jackson, then over 20 years ago, they helped start a new mission church called Brazos Pointe Fellowship where they serve as small group leaders, marriage mentors, and in other volunteer roles. Mark is a retiree from his role as VP of Downstream Maintenance for Wood Group in Clute, Texas. He is now spending his time in commercial property real estate and management. In addition, he serves as President of the Gulf Coast Chapter of ABC, and board member of both True To Life Ministries in Lake Jackson, TX and Vision Rescue in Mumbai, India. Jennifer is a Family Nurse Practitioner and enjoys her role at Brazosport Women’s Health as a Women’s Health Provider. In addition, she is a founding member of Brazosport Area Nurse Practitioners, board member of the CAP committee of Brazosport, member of the Board of Regents for Brazosport College, and volunteers as a provider at the Live Oak Clinic of Brazosport. Both Mark and Jen serve on the board of Free Roots, a local organization which seeks to provide vocational training and dignity to victims of sex trafficking both locally and in India. Mark and Jen have been married for over 30 years and are empty nesters, as the proud parents of three semi-independent adult children, Hayden, Madison and husband Nick, and Connor.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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