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Michele Lee

Michele Lee

Global Vice President, Justice Solutions

Michele Lee, Global Vice President of Justice Solutions, focuses on the program approach and accompaniment strategy of IJM’s programs. Previously, Michele served as the Global Director of Aftercare, leading IJM’s Global Aftercare program and guiding our global aftercare strategy as IJM seeks to bring restoration to millions of survivors.

Michele collaborates with global teams on internal knowledge-sharing initiatives, thought leadership, global partnership development, and decontextualized resource development in IJM’s program outcomes, standards, and competencies. After receiving her PhD, Michele worked as a psychologist for 10+ years at the University of Pennsylvania and for the Arlington County Government.

She joined IJM as an Aftercare Associate in 2012, providing casework consultation to aftercare teams in multiple IJM field offices. In 2013, Michele transitioned to her role as an aftercare specialist supporting field offices combatting child sexual assault and then shifted to support IJM India’s work to combat sex trafficking. Over her six-year tenure at IJM, she has obtained a truly global perspective of IJM’s innovations, strengths, and needs through her support of our field offices in Kenya, Rwanda, Bolivia, Chiang Mai, Kolkata, and Mumbai.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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