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Roger and Cheri Gardner

Roger and Cheri Gardner

Plano, TX
Supporting IJM since 2017

Roger and Cheri Gardner are originally from Missouri, but now live in Plano, Texas; however, they spend
a lot of time at their home in Colorado. Roger spent his entire career with Learfield, a collegiate sports
marketing and media firm, and is now a consultant and executive coach. Cheri was a teacher, working
primarily with children with learning differences. The Gardners were married in 1984, shortly after
graduating from the University of Missouri. They have two grown children who are both married, Sam
(and Brittany) and Andee (and Chance). Roger and Cheri have two grandchildren (Dax and Bodie) and
another due in April. In addition to IJM, they support other works and are active in the Church of Chris.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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