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Slavery in the Waters of Thailand

In the beauty of the sea, there is a treacherous reality.

The 7-billion-dollar Thai fishing industry employs hundreds of thousands on boats across international waters and on land in processing facilities. Some of the many fishermen at sea have been lured in by the false promise of a good-paying job.

Instead, they’re sold to boat captains and forced to take on non-stop, perilous work. Back home, their families are left to wonder if they’ll ever return.

To combat this particularly heinous form of slavery, IJM is partnering with the Walmart Foundation and the Thai government to bring each and every one of these men home to their families.

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In our study of Thailand’s labor trafficking conducted in 2016, we found:

He Just Wanted to Go Home

Ron thought the few years spent on Thai waters would have been worth it for his family. Little did he know, that ship would never return home.

Read more about our work on forced labor in Thailand

Panha's Story
Panha* worked hard on a farm in Cambodia, but he worried his earnings weren't enough for him to make ends meet. After a broker approached him, he…
From Myanmar, to Thailand, to Cambodia: Brothers’ Journey Ends in Rescue from Abusive Employer
After being cheated and exploited for more than a year, two brothers from Myanmar are free and safely home.
Thai Boat Owner Arrested and Facing Human Trafficking Charges
Another player in a cross-border trafficking ring can no longer exploit vulnerable workers in Thailand, as law enforcement arrested a Thai boat owner…

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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