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January Digital 2023 Story Page Header


January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and spotlights an issue we fight every day of the year at IJM. Below are six truths about human trafficking that we hope move you to take action. Thank you for caring and helping send rescue to victims of human trafficking around the world.


The number of people held in slavery could populate Australia. Twice*.

Around the world, an estimated 50 million children, women and men are held in slavery to work brutal labor in rock quarries, rice mills, brick kilns and brothels. The number of victims suffering could populate Australia twice.
*Source: International Labour Organization.

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Nearly 1.7 million children are exploited in sex trafficking*.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of children are trafficked for sex around the world. Traffickers often take advantage of vulnerable girls and boys, often promising them money and a proper job. In some instances, traffickers will trick families into giving up their young children in hopes of giving them a better future.
*Source: Global Estimates of Modern Slavery. A partnership between ILO, Walk Free Foundation, and IOM (2016).

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1 in 100 Filipino children* are sexually exploited in livestreams.

Today, online sexual exploitation of children is on the rise. Online predators send payments in exchange for streaming the live, sexual abuse of children. It includes creating, possessing or distributing child sexual exploitation material like photos and videos. This isn't limited to the exchange of explicit images. Girls and boys are forced to perform sex acts and are abused by an adult or are exploited in other violent ways.
*Source: Scale of Harm prevalence study by International Justice Mission (IJM) and the University of Nottingham Rights Lab.



Children are impacted by violence at twice the rate*.

Studies have shown that children and women who are trafficked are subjected to more violence than men. Children suffer violent acts at twice the rate. Whether abused by captors or working in dangerous and often deadly conditions, the threat of injury and violence is real. Together we can help end it.
* Source: United Nations Global Report on Trafficking in Persons.


Trafficking can lead to long-term psychological trauma.

Trafficking is a traumatic act of violence that can have long-term impact on survivors. With your help, IJM works to ensure our aftercare teams and partners are providing the very best care to each survivor we meet. We build strong partnerships that will help expand and scale world-class care across the globe. These partnerships are vital, because every survivor of violence deserves to have someone to walk alongside them on the path from trauma to restoration.

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Your support helps rescue one person every hour.

The final truth is that YOU are making an impact on human trafficking. In fact, due in large part to friends like you, IJM has helped rescue 9,000 people from violence and oppression over each of the last three years. That is the equivalent of one person rescued every hour! Together we can end trafficking and modern slavery for good. Please give today.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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