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I Will Fight For You.
23 nfl pao image
Meet Ruby

As a child, I was sexually exploited online: now I want governments and tech companies to take action

Ruby (not her real name) is a survivor of online child sexual exploitation in the Philippines. Now an adult, she is committed to raising awareness about the abuse she suffered and the actions government and tech industries must take to truly eradicate this crime.

Listen as Ruby bravely shares her story in a six-part podcast that takes you behind the scenes on her journey to freedom.


Right Now, 6 Million Children in the Philippines Need Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Trafficking

Online sexual exploitation of children is on the rise. Children are sexually abused by traffickers who live-stream the abuse to customers from anywhere in the world willing to pay and direct the sexual abuse from their own homes.

Every one of these children was made in God’s image and has a name worth fighting for. Ruby. Aaron. Cassie. Elsa. These are all our children. And their future depends on us. 
Join us in the fight for their lives.

Tell Them, “I Will Fight for You.”

Your Gift Helps Us Find Kids Who Are Waiting for Rescue.

We won’t stop until every child trapped in violence has been found, and every vulnerable child lives in safety.


"After traveling with IJM to the Dominican Republic and learning about the horrors of sex trafficking of children, my wife Yesenia and I couldn't be more excited to launch into the fight to end slavery and violence."

Trey Burton Tight End - Free Agent

"We are honoured to join with such a dedicated group of men and women to end sex trafficking around the world...We cannot be silent..."

Benjamin Watson and his wife Kirsten Tight End - Retired

"We are humbled to partner with our friends at IJM. We deeply believe in the work that they do...IJM shares our heart for making life infinitely better for vulnerable children. Our contribution plays a small part in their huge task: breaking through darkness with light and hope."

Clayton Kershaw and his wife Ellen Pitcher - LA Dodgers

"We are proud to support the work of IJM and are praying for the day that every person is living a life of freedom."

Stephen Strasburg and his wife Rachel Pitcher - Washington Nationals

"Players are coming together to engage in a bigger fight off the field - the fight to end modern day slavery. IJM has been in this fight for 20 years, and my wife Julie and I are honoured to walk with them as they seek to bring freedom to the poor and vulnerable around the world."

Kirk Cousins Quarter Back - Minnesota Vikings



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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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