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Students Mobilizing their Campuses for Justice

May 06, 2024, Washington, D.C. - Since the beginning of their partnership in July 2023, International Justice Mission (IJM) and Simple Charity have aimed to jointly accelerate the impact of IJM's college chapter program. Over the past school year, this duo was able to do just that.

Using campaigns like Threads, Dressember and Race to Restore, IJM college students have raised more than $80,000 and introduced more than 400 new people to the realities of slavery and trafficking, in just eight months. This impact has been made possible by dedicated members of IJM campus chapters, in the name of combating global injustices and working towards protecting half a billion people in poverty from violence.

IJM college chapter members have a unique opportunity to participate in the work of justice as they mobilize their peers to action. Bailey Grathwohl, IJM Chapter President at the University of Alabama explains, “Being a part of IJM and seeing each individual grow in their knowledge of IJM and how they can spur hope into ACTION is one that I will forever cherish as such an encouraging and sweet part of my college experience.”

Beyond inspiring their peers toward generosity, IJM chapters have also been instrumental in empowering people to use their voices and raise awareness about global injustices. During IJM’s Day of Action campaign on February 1st, students mobilized 228 calls to Senator Schumer’s office urging him to bring the EARN IT (Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies) Act to the Senate floor for a vote.

Bethany Waters, IJM Chapter President at Samford University, also recalls the impact she has seen on her own campus: “I believe we have brought awareness to slavery and violence that did not exist on our campus before. Furthermore, we have supplied avenues for students to pray, fundraise and advocate for its end.” She continues, “I have learned that dark issues are best met with grounded community. We strive to instill hope on our campus, as we extend it internationally to those enslaved. In this way, IJM has reminded me that hope triumphs over the darkness of slavery.”

Amidst classes, homework, part-time jobs and more, IJM is incredibly thankful for the hard work of the IJM college students. Because of these efforts, IJM can fight the injustices and violence that plague our world and work towards building a safer and more secure future.

Alyssa Francois, Mobilization Program Director at IJM, reflects on the college mobilization program this past school year: “It has been a privilege to see the IJM Campus Chapters, and students who lead those chapters, make a lasting impact in the work of justice. I am inspired by students allotting time in their schedules to pray, advocate and raise money in order to protect people in poverty from violence. With the incredible support from Simple Charity, students have raised more than $75,000 for IJM! I am grateful to have a front row seat for what this group of students will do next!”

IJM is excited and expectant looking towards another year partnering with Simple Charity and the IJM College Chapters. Together, they will continue to work towards protecting half a billion people in poverty from violence.

To learn more about our college program visit:


About International Justice Mission:

International Justice Mission partners with local authorities in 33 program offices in 18 countries to combat slavery, violence against women and children and police abuse of power. IJM’s mission is to protect people in poverty from violence by rescuing victims, bringing criminals to justice, restoring survivors to safety and strength, and helping local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts. Learn more at:

About Simple Charity:

Simple Charity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that inspires Christians to grow in solidarity with people experiencing poverty and injustice. Simple Charity mobilizes college students to put solidarity into practice by fundraising, praying, and serving locally around the country. Simple Charity also offers generosity-driven philanthropic advice through research that empowers clients to know where to give. Learn more by visiting

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