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Esther - Part 2

Lost in slavery on Lake Volta

Esther* grew up in rural Ghana, hours from the waters of Lake Volta. But when a woman approached her parents, claiming there was a family near the lake who would send their daughter to school, they allowed the woman to take her.

The promise of an education was a lie.

Little Esther was enslaved when she was just six years old. You'll hear about her resiliency and strength in the face of oppression. Share her strength by giving a gift today. All gifts will be DOUBLED up to $292,600 if given by December 16th.

Missed part 1 of Esther's story? Click here to watch it now!

*A pseudonym. Stock images have been used. Subjects depicted are not survivors of forced labor slavery, and images are used with consent.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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