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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)

Q&A With Actress and Activist Sabrina Perez
Every year, thousands of advocates around the world take on the Dressember challenge of wearing a dress or tie during the 31 days of December. The...
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children: Hidden in Plain Sight
International Justice Mission has worked in the Philippines alongside the Philippine public justice system for over 20 years—first combating sex...
Study reveals dramatic rise in the prevalence of internet-based child sexual exploitation in the Philippines
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Within three years, the estimated prevalence rate of internet-based child sexual exploitation in the...
OneRepublic Joins IJM in the Fight to End Modern-Day Slavery
MANILA, PHILIPPINES – International Justice Mission (IJM), a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence, welcomed OneRepublic...
Five Children Rescued from Trafficking in Multiple Operations
EASTERN VISAYAS, PHILIPPINES — In a series of police operations on October 9 and 10, Philippine authorities arrested five trafficking suspects who...
U.S. Sex Offender Gets 84 Years for Abusing Filipino Girls
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – This month, a U.S. court sentenced 56-year-old Anthony Schultz to 84 years in prison for filming the rape of underage Filipino...
EUROPOL's Most Wanted: Arrested for Cybersex Trafficking
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – Philippine authorities have captured a Filipino man who was once EUROPOL’s most wanted criminal. His alleged crime: producing and...
Jenette Helps Survivors Make Sense of their World
When a child experiences horrific forms of violence and abuse—whether enslaved in a fishing industry or forced to sell her body to men three to four...
Real Results from Investigative Workshop in the Philippines
The Advanced Investigative Workshop, held March 25-April 5 in Cebu, brought global collaboration from nations like Australia, the U.K. and the U.S....

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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