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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)

Nine Children Rescued from Remote Island in the Philippines, Thanks to Canadian Tip
One little girl was hidden behind a door. Another was riding her bike in the neighborhood. Another was at a Girl Scouts meeting. But IJM and...
IJM Announces Grant from U.S. Department of State to Address Online Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Labor Trafficking in the Philippines
International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, announced a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of...
Caught Red-Handed, Cybersex Trafficking Suspects Run from Police
Police chased the suspects along the main road as people shopped and dined along this busy street in Manila. The police caught up and arrested the...
Two Young Teens Rescued As Visayas Anti-Trafficking Police Lead Tenth Operation This Year
IJM helped Philippine authorities rescue two girls, 14 and 15 years old, from cybersex trafficking over the weekend. Two suspects were arrested for...
Two American Men Convicted for Exploiting Filipino Children
This week, courts on opposite sides of the U.S. convicted two American men for sexually exploiting children thousands of miles away in the...
Landmark Conviction Cracks Down on Cybersex Trafficking, Frees Survivors from Fear
A Filipino man who preyed on children and women for his own sexual pleasure and profited from a twisted network of cybersex trafficking has been...
Holly's News From Washington: A New Child Protection Compact
On April 11, the TIP Office announced that the governments of the U.S. and the Philippines had signed a Child Protection Compact.
Children Exploited On-Screen by American Man Finally Found in the Philippines
After a 14-month investigation, eight children are finally free from cybersex trafficking. In a joint operation involving Philippine authorities,...
Nine Children under 10 Years Old Rescued in Cybersex Trafficking Operations
IJM supported the FBI and Philippine authorities this week in back-to-back cybersex trafficking operations. Nine boys and girls—ranging from 2 to 10...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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