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Labor Trafficking

6 Years After Rescue, Survivors of IJM’s Largest Rescue Are Thriving
Six years after IJM's largest operation that resulted in the rescue of 564 people, we followed up with a few of the survivors. Their inspiring...
Once a Child Laborer, Kumar Is Now Building Protection in His Country
Twenty years ago, you would’ve found Kumar, then just a little boy, with raw hands and a body racked with pain as he was forced to work seven days a...
Rock Quarry Owner Guilty After Exploiting 29 People in Bondage
On May 31, a specialized court in southern India sentenced a powerful rock quarry owner to seven years in prison for exploiting disadvantaged...
Roopa and Banaiah Raising Their Family in Freedom
Roopa and Banaiah had endured more than a decade of hard labour and heartbreak at a brick kiln in southern India, but today they are building a much...
Survivors Safe & Thriving 16 Years after a Violent Rescue Set Them Free
CHENNAI, INDIA – Members of the IJM Chennai team met with survivors who were rescued from bonded labor 16 years ago. It was a joy and inspiration to...
Survivor Leaders Help Free Eleven People From Abusive Business Owner
A group of survivor leaders in the Released Bonded Laborers’ Association (RBLA) helped authorities free 11 people from an abusive wood-cutting...
Groundbreaking Planned Community Gives Survivors Security, Stability and Hope
Meesanallur began in 2015 as a dream to help families of the Irula tribal community break cycles of poverty and trafficking for good. Over one...
UPDATE: Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare Partner with IJM to Rescue a 10-Year-Old Boy
Earlier this month, IJM worked with the Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare to rescue a 10-year-old boy who had been trafficked to...
Rescue of Four Young Brothers Kicks Off Child Labor Crackdown
Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has ordered a detailed study and crackdown on child labor across the state after a remarkable rescue...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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